Summer Staff


Join Our Team

Invest in the lives of campers as they interact with God’s Word and the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

Who we're looking for

Is Camp a fit for you?

Are you a college student that is committed to Christ? Do you have a place in your heart for young people? Are you dependable, trustworthy, and hardworking? Do you know how to have fun? You should consider joining Bear Lake's Summer Staff. Check out all the details and send in an application if you are ready for the challenge! This summer you can have a significant role in impacting young lives for eternity. NOTHING is more important than leading a child to a close, meaningful relationship with Christ. And there is NO PLACE like Christian Camp for that to happen.

What we need

Staff Positions

We believe that a staff team is made up of a group of individuals daily living out the Biblical "one another" statements. You may be hired primarily as a lifeguard or a rec leader, but as we serve one another and our campers, it is not uncommon to add some responsibilities or move positions from week to week as needs arise.

Cabin Counselor

Supervise cabin groups, build relationships and counsel with campers, teach a skills class (as learned at staff training), lead Bible study
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Take seriously the responsibility of supervising the waterfront as well as being crosstrained in at least one other area of camp.. Must have current certification in Lifeguarding and CPR/AED.
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Rec Leader

Work closely with the Program Director and will be responsible for the daily recreation programs, assist in planning and implementing the activities schedule.
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Take video of the camp activities through the days, develop a weekly recap videos and promotional videos, and publish digital weekly recap videos for campers/parents.
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L.I.T. Counselor

Act as mentor to high school Leaders in Training. Lead daily Bible Study, work alongside L.I.T.s on projects assigned by Camp Manager.
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Take pictures of camp activities throughout the day, develop daily picture videos, and be comfortable with computers and cameras.
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Worship Leader

Band members lead musical worship each evening. In addition to using your musical skill in praise and worship, you'll be cross trained in at least one other area of camp
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Arts & Crafts Leader

Organize, coordinate, and facilitate craft activities throughout the week, keep the craft barn clean and organized, other responsibilities as needed.
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Most frequent questions and answers

Though the list of reasons to join the BLC family is almost endless, here’s just a few of the best. The community you’ll build during your time at Camp will lead to lifelong relationships, the skills you gain will boost your resume and prepare you for your future career, parenthood, and marriage, and your time at Camp will deepen your faith and allow you to rely on the Lord at a whole different level. It’s possible that working at BLC may be the “hardest job that I’ve loved the most.” it will also be the most fun and fulfilling! Come make the most of your summer by impacting the eternity of 6-18 year olds!

Counseling Staff, Rec Leaders, Videographers, Photographers, and Worship Leaders must be at least 18 years old.

Lifeguards and Craft Leaders must be at least 16 years old.

While you won’t get rich working at summer camp, it also doesn’t pay as bad as you think.  Pay starts at $200 per week for high school students and $350 per week for college age students (with returning staff receiving increased pay) and while that isn’t much, you also don’t spend much.  All meals, lodging, and fun are built into your package.  So now that you don’t have any excuses, what are you waiting for?

On top of your pay, some colleges and universities offer opportunity for some of your pay to be converted to a matching grant which can be applied to your college tuition.

We are willing to work with your schedule to make working at camp a reality for you! We understand that your life outside of camp is busy and you have other obligations to take care of.  Certain positions at Bear Lake require that you are present for the full summer, while others have the flexibility to work with your summer needs.  Still not sure how to make camp work with your schedule?  Contact us and we can talk through options specific for you.

We can help with internship requirements! Believe it or not, there are various positions available at Camp that can help you further your career.  BLC has been able to help out several former staff members with internship credit in different positions.  Talk with your advisor or professor and let us know how we can help! Let us know about your internship questions or needs when you apply.

Bible study is an important time each day, and you will have the opportunity to see campers be challenged to grow in their faith. As a counselor, you will help lead daily Bible study for your campers within your cabin. Counselors focus on building relationships with campers just as Christ built relationships with people during His ministry. At BLC, we are confident that God works in His time to reach people with His good news; therefore, it is our goal to love campers and live our lives in a way that exemplifies Jesus Christ and what it means to have a personal relationship with Him. It is not our goal to convert every camper by Friday night but challenge them to grow in their relationships with Jesus Christ.

Mandatory Staff Training starts in Early June and the camp concludes for Staff in late July.

Applications are due by May 1st. The earlier you submit your application the better!

Staff Stories

Being able to return on summer staff for a second consecutive summer allowed me to continue building relationships with campers I had met the previous years. Conversations about Jesus that I had with them in previous years were able to continue and go deeper. It is such a special thing to affirm that the love and care that we, as a camp, and that Christ, as our Savior, has for us over and over again through continual interactions that don’t end when camp ends.
Even though I am only with them for six fast paced days, I am hopeful the Lord impacts them through Bible studies, through individual time, and everyday routine. Camp is like speed-dating with the brokenness of the world: there is little we can do, except put our trust fully in our Lord Jesus that he will restore the pain and suffering. The importance of camp is that I am not doing the work, but Jesus Christ is working and changing lives.
This summer truly showed me what it means to walk in reliance on God – to walk in step with Him every minutes of a day. I am by no means perfect in this, but it was truly wonderful to experience by His grace. His power was made perfect in my weakness, and in that I rejoice. One moment that sticks out to me this summer was in a conversation with one of the Junior campers. He told me that he had accepted Jesus before but it was because someone told him what to do. He told me that this time, he wanted to understand what he was doing. I truly saw the light of Christ change him and experience the joy that he held because of the simplicity of understanding salvation.
I’ve been so blessed to be able to be a part of BLC for the past two summers. It has honestly been such a joy to work alongside all of the staff and pour into all the kids that come. God deeply refreshed and encouraged my soul this summer through all the people he placed in my life at BLC> I always walk away from BLC having a greater sense of what the body of Christ ought to look like as we strive to humbly and sacrificially love one another as Christ loved us and to proclaim, cherish and exalt Christ together.

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